Sophie Smith
What drives you to work in the international security field?
Being able to dig into fascinating topics on a daily basis (which sometimes translates into being paid to read the news and go on Twitter, which I think is cool!) Also, the wide range of interesting careers available. While studying for my International Relations degree, I would definitely have thought about potential careers in government and NGOs, but I hadn’t heard of the corporate security risk sector, and so would never have expected that I would one day end up working for a major entertainment company in their security team!
In your opinion, what are today’s main challenges in your field and opportunities emerging from them?
I’ve been working in quite broad analytical roles for the last four years and I think being able to distinguish between what’s interesting and what’s relevant in my work is sometimes tricky. If producing a report on a certain country/issue, would the reader like a lot of context, or would they like you to just get to the point and give them the “so what”? In addition, keeping on top of the news everyday - a necessity in my case - can have its drawbacks and mental health impacts. On the plus side, I now prioritise taking long holidays where I avoid the news!
Looking back at your career so far, what advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t worry about being the loudest person in the room if that’s not your style. I’ve previously felt intimidated by louder classmates or colleagues and feel less intelligent by comparison. However, over the years I’ve learnt that everyone has different ways of thinking/communicating and that being a good listener is a much-appreciated skill.